Human Design and COVID-19

According to the founder of human design, there will be a major paradigm shift in 2027.

It’s hard for humans to accept change. However, it is important to remember that society has gone through major shifts in even just the past 100 years. It’s ironic that we dislike change when it is the only constant in our lives.

This new paradigm that is predicted in 2027 will be a transformation of the major institutions as we see them now, and some will be eradicated. It will bring about a society that is much more about the individual, understanding that each person is unique and there is not a set way that things have to be done. Once freed of these constructs and rules we won’t need grand institutions that exist more so for the sake of the institution itself rather than for the benefit of humanity.

Every single one of us contributes to collective consciousness. We are consciousness expressing ourselves. That is why manifestation and the idea of creating your own reality is so important. When we hold toxic thoughts and beliefs, those get manifested into the greater whole. Reality mirrors where we are at as a collective. Once we really let that sink in, it is clear that we need to make some massive changes.

I used to think individualism was anti-collective. But this is not the case. When we focus on the nourishment of ourselves as individuals, we are more inspired to care for those around us. We are also creating a more harmonious reality and contributing to the consciousness of the planet. This is what leaders like Ghandi meant when they have said variations of, “if you want to change the world, start with yourself.” Just by changing the way you see something, you change the world. That is the ultimate win-win if you ask me.

Currently people are individualistic — but from an apathetic and fearful place. Society breeds fear to the extent that there is no space or consciousness for people to realize their power or love their neighbor. If we don’t love and respect ourselves, we can not love and respect others or the planet.

So why does any of this matter? This matters because COVID-19 is the beginning of the new paradigm. The world has been forced to slow down and pause. We are actually seeing how we can work together and create change. How we deal with this crisis as individuals is, more than ever, how we will deal with this crisis globally. And this pandemic comes at a time when we must reevaluate our lives, individually and collectively, or we headed from some serious trouble.

I have always been so passionate about the environment. To the point where I feel like the ocean is my best friend, seriously. I feel confused that we treat the planet terribly when earth gives us EVERYTHING. Truly everything. Water, air, food. She gives us life. I never understood this humans vs. nature idea because we will obviously lose. And furthermore who wants to live in a future without beaches, forests, and our gorgeous natural landscapes? Who doesn’t like seeing a sunset over the ocean or laying in the grass?

COVID-19 is scary and devastating in so many ways but will bring about the new paradigm where we are headed. In this new paradigm we will live from higher consciousness. We will find the balance between respecting the autonomy of the individual, while also understanding that we are part of a global family. Our choices, both collectively and individually, create our world now and for the future.

May we make good ones.


Human Design and COVID-19 Pt. 2- Work


Self-knowledge for self-acceptance and ultimately, self- love