Discover how your soul wants to live, love, and work

Hi I’m Sean,

I am a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Guide.

My work is focused on guiding you home to the truth of your soul.

Why truth and why the soul?

To me the two are inextricably linked. Your soul is the eternal part of you that has a plan for you this lifetime. Truth is the deepest resonance of your soul and thus, your highest alignment.

It is truth we are seeking when we say we desire freedom, fulfillment, and joy.

Connecting with your soul will guide you back to your truth again and again.

Through energy work, Human Design, intuition, and the Akashic Records, my intention is to help you understand your soul at a deeper level, so you are free to live the life the divine has planned for you.

It may not be exactly the life you thought you wanted, but it will be so much better.