Magical Book List

I love to read! I have a 1 in my human design profile, which means I naturally enjoy learning as much as I can. Here is a running list of some of my favorite books and those that have been the most helpful to me on my spiritual journey.


1. A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

This book is EVERYTHING. I want everyone in the entire world to truly understand this book.

2. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Literally my bible. This book changed my life. I never understood that spirituality could exist without religion until this book. It blew my mind! I also felt for the first time so deeply understood by an author. This to me is the definition of great writing. When an author can make you feel seen. I recommend this book to everybody and their mother! Please read it.

3. When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

This book is so good. I read it during my most intense period of grief after losing my dad and it brought me such relief. If things haven’t fallen apart yet, they will at some point. This book taught me that even when life feels so hard if we can meet the moment without judgement, we are okay.

4. Still Here by Ram Dass

I LOVE RAM DASS. So much. I saw aging, fear, and my entire life in a different light after this book. I get emotional just thinking about it. I wish I could go back to the first time I read it and experience those transformational feelings again.

5. Being Mortal by Atul Gawande

Really, really powerful. Atul discusses the uncomfortableness of mortality, but the necessity of accepting it. This book should be a must read. If you have sick parents or grandparents- read it right now.

6. Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek

Very “woo” but not for long! Durek is all about bringing spiritual concepts to the mainstream and he is doing it. This book will remind you of how powerful you are and if you want to deepen your spiritual life, it gives you practical tips on how you can do just that.

7. The Surrender Experiment and The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

Both of these books are incredible. They just open up your heart and make you feel the deepest trust in life.

8. Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsh

If you are at all skeptical or confused about all of the god stuff read this now!!

9. The Anatomy of Spirit by Carolyn Myss

A must read in my opinion. Carolyn explains how an understanding of the 7-chakras can guide us on a journey to reclaiming our personal power.

Entrepreneurship and Business

1. The Third Door by Alex Banayan

I devoured this book. It is so well-written, fun, and informative.

2. DisruptHER by Miki Agrawal

Miki is an entrepreneurial hero of mine. She gives you a guide as to how you can be a disruptHER in this book, which simply means changing the things in the world that infuriate us.


1. The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson

Yes I am unapologetically obsessed with Marianne.

2. The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book is a must read.

4. The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

You will never be the same in the best way once you read this.

5. Lost and Found by Geneen Roth

This book is about her losing all of her money in the Bernie Madoff scandal. Literally all of her money. It is such a powerful story that is really not even about the money, as it never is.

Feminism / Female Empowerment

1. Pussy: A Reclamation by Regina Thomashauer

2. Feminism is for Everybody by Bell Hooks

3. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver